About Us

Tutoring Session

Our Mission

Our mission is to actively promote literacy by identifying adult literacy needs in our community and meeting those needs through direct literacy services. We strive to help our clients acquire the literacy skills necessary to be successful in the workplace, participate in the education of their children and lead productive lives.

Tutor and Student


Based in the Bridgeport Public Library in downtown Bridgeport, Literacy Volunteers of Greater Bridgeport recruits, trains, and guides volunteers to teach other adults to read, write and speak English. Tutors and students work together for a minimum of two hours per week. Learning takes place in small groups or one-on-one, and tutoring sessions can be held at any library branch, community center, or other public venue.

Holiday Celebration

What We Can Do

Through a variety of tutoring and general literacy programs, we help students of ages 18 and older better integrate themselves into society and to improve their lives by furthering their learning.