Our office, located on the third floor of the Bridgeport Library, offers a wide selection of teaching materials for you to sign out and use with your students. Please email Lisa or Suzanne to let them know when you'd like to come in and check out our tutor resource materials. They will be happy to help you select the most appropriate materials for your students.
Tutor Training Modules
LVGBPT tutors can take advantage of the free online tutor training modules on the ProLiteracy website. This is a great resource! Visit our member portal on the Pro Literacy website for more information.
At the bottom of the page, click on "create a tutor account." Then you can create a password and login. Go to the tutor/teacher section of the education network to see a list of the many courses they offer.
There are Basic Literacy and ESOL Tutor Training workshops as well as individual courses on teaching math, writing, vocabulary, phonics, reading comprehension, citizenship and many more topics!
News For You
We have both print and online subscriptions to News For You, which is a newspaper for advanced beginner/intermediate level readers. Weekly issues contain news articles, human interest stories, crossword puzzles, word searches, discussion questions, vocabulary lists, and a teacher's guide. Visit the News For You website for more.
When prompted, enter the password: 63178C. If you prefer the print version, you can pick them up at our office.
Pro Literacy
On the Pro Literacy website, you'll find adult literacy statistics and news, as well as free online courses for adult educators.
New Readers Press
New Readers Press is the U.S. publishing division of ProLiteracy Worldwide and the source of many of our adult literacy titles, such as TUTOR and I Speak English. An appropriate adult-level dictionary can also be ordered here. For more information, visit the New Readers Press website, or you may also reach them at 1-800-448-8878.
Wilson Language
All Wilson Reading Systems materials, such as the WRS Sound Cards, Rules Notebook & Dictation Book can be ordered from the Wilson Language website or call 1-800-899-8454.